THE BOTTOM – Presidents of the First and Second Chamber, Ankie Broekers-Knol and Khadija Arib visited St. Eustatius on Sunday and Saba on Monday and Tuesday to witness the devastation caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria, as well as the status of the rebuilding projects.

Presidents of Dutch Senate and Parliament with complete Island and Executive Council of St. Eustatius following their meeting at The Old Gin House Hotel. Photo: RCN
After the island tour was given on St. Eustatius, acting Island Governor Julian Woodley, members of the Island Council and Executive Council had an informal lunch with the Presidents, where the discussion of the reconstruction activities was shared. Regardless of political tensions between St. Eustatius & Dutch Government, “The meeting with the representatives of St. Eustatius was frank and constructive”, according to Broekers-Knol and Arib.
While on Saba, after their arrival, an informal reception with the Island and Executive Councils was organised with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson presenting a comprehensive PowerPoint outlining the various actions undertaken prior, during and following the hurricanes.
Island Tour
On St. Eustatius, the delegation went on an island tour, during which they were able to view Fort Oranje, the Historic Core of Oranjestad, White Wall, Zeelandia and other areas of interest on Statia.
However on Saba, areas and homes that were directed affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria such as Fort Bay harbour, the Farm in Hells Gate and the recycle plant was witnessed.
Their visit concluded on Saba with a meeting with social organizations namely, Saba Reach Foundation, Saba Comprehensive School, Saba Business Association, and the Aged Home, and Saba Health Care Foundation, operator of The Edge, EC2, and Saba Boys & Girls Scout Society.