Saba raising awareness on children’s rights

photo: Esther Henry

THE BOTTOM – Saba among all of the other Dutch islands will join the finale on Curaçao where several schools of various islands battle to win the first edition of the Unicef Child Rights Film Festival.

Cadella Marten and Elizabeth Henry about the Film Festival

“The children rights movement is still fairly new here on Saba and parents are still getting acquainted with the whole children have rights and responsibilities. The Film Festival is a very good initiative with allowing the children to learn about their rights in a more creative, fun and exciting way,” expressed Cadella Marten, social worker assistant.

“Rights are things every child should have or be able to do,” says Elizabeth Henry(11). “Learning about child rights empowers children and adults to bring about change in their immediate environment and the world at large to ensure that the rights of all children are fully realised.”