Local fundraisers help sustain the island during the slow rebuild

photo: HelpSXM

PHILIPSBURG – Small fundraisers are desperately needed in Sint Maarten to help the island get back on its feet after hurricane Irma. It’s been little more than a year since the category 5 hurricane ravaged the island. Rebuilding has been a slow process because the World Bank has to ensure that the funds provided by the Netherlands are being allocated properly.

The Red Cross has also stopped providing emergency aid on the island. The aid organization stopped handing out food stamps in September.

Free meals
DJ Jansen and Joost de Jong, the founders of the Freegan Food Café, hand out free vegan meals on the island to those in need. To give other foundations and charities on the island a boost, Jansen and De Jong organize fundraisers.

The total funds they managed to collect during their last fundraiser was a total of 6593 dollars. The proceeds have been donated to six charitable organizations. Each one of them received 1100 dollars. Animal Defenders and All About A Smile are two of the organizations that received a donation and are extremely grateful for it.

All About A Smile helps buy groceries for the less fortunate on the island and Animal Defenders funds veterinary visits for neglected dogs on the island.

By Tim van Dijk and Marcia van Oers