Committee of Wise Men wants to review situation on St. Eustatius

photo: Elisa Koek

ORANJESTAD – A Committe of Wise Men wants to evaluate the government of St. Eustatius. On top of that the government is receiving support from Dutch civil servants.

Moreover, there are deliberations about St. Eustatius’ desire to be an independent state in free association with Netherlands. This is the most important point coming out of consultations between the island and The Hague. Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk relayed this to the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Kingdom Relations.

General Secretary Richard van Zwol recently visited St. Eustatius twice, where he had discussions with the Executive Council. Mainly discussed was the procedure for the appointment of an (Acting) Governor, the official support of the Deputy Governor and the finances of the island.

It was agreed that current Deputy Governor Julian Woodley would continue in his position following April 1, supported by three senior Dutch civil servants. This includes former Director of the Kingdom Representatives Office (RCN) Sybren van Dam.

The application process for the job of lieutenant governor is going start post haste. It was agreed to vigilantly proceed with the procedure. According to Island Council Member Reuben Merkman the process has been extended for about half a year.

Minister Plasterk said in his letter to the Parliamentary Committee that it is clear that there are “different descriptions” as to the function of the public entity. Therefore it was agreed to submit research and recommendations on two “ways” to achieve an acceptable functioning public entity. The Netherlands and St. Eustatius will select the best way.

Way to achieve a functioning public entity
Minister Plasterk said in his letter to the Parliamentary Committee that it is clear that there are “different descriptions” as to the function of the public entity. Therefore it was agreed to submit research and recommendations on two ‘ways’ to achieve an acceptable functioning public entity. The Netherlands and St. Eustatius will select the best way.

The Committee of Wise Men in accordance with an earlier request from St. Eustatius will also hold a round table conference to address workable solutions. Sitting in on this round table will be representatives of the Executive Council, the Interior Ministry and the Financial Supervisory Board (CFT), said Merkman.

At the request of the Executive Council a “technical consultation” has been launched to research what exactly it entails for St. Eustatius to obtain its desire of an autonomous status – in free association with Netherlands. Merkman spoke of a fruitful dialogue. “There are concrete proposals on the table.”

Technical Consultation
At the request of the Executive Council a “technical consultation” has been launched to research what exactly it entails for St. Eustatius to obtain its desire of an autonomous status – in free association with Netherlands. Merkman spoke of a fruitful dialogue. “There are concrete proposals on the table.”

Initially the Island Government was not pleased that three Dutch civil servants were ‘dumped’ on St. Eustatius, but now it has been agreed that the three civil servants will operate as sort of liaison officers between the Island Government and the Ministries in The Hague. The civil servants will offer support to the Executive Council, including in the drafting of regulations and legislation. “We will keep a watchful eye on them and once they do something other than what they were brought here to do, we will stop our cooperation with them,” Merkman warns. “We want to give them a chance.”